Based on the true story "The Last Full Measure" follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of over 60 Marines ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed.

Filmgate was the senior vendor for the VFX work. It included muzzle flashes, bullet hits, CG double bodies, screen inserts and recreating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in 3D.

Director: Todd Robinson

Actors: Sebastian Stan, Ed Harris, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Peter Fonda, Diane Ladd and Jeremy Irvine.